The concept of Living Juice was first introduced by Dr Norman Walker (1874-1983). Walker declared that the enzymes in fruit and vegetables die at temperatures which exceed 50 degrees Celsius. Walker said that any juice extractor which used a high speed blade or centrifuge, created friction heat leading to the destruction of enzymes.
Enzymes are involved in every process of the body. Enzymes are the intangible living elements that act as the catalyst for innumerable chemical reactions within the body, promoting efficient assimilation and enabling the metabolic processes that support high levels of energy and promote good health. The complete regulatory system in the body depends on enzymes and suffers from their depletion.
The major benefits of living juice are that vital enzymes and nutrients remain intact and are utilized by the body within minutes. OSCAR creates living juice where other juicers destroy it.
A living juice is nutritionally far superior and will last for many hours in the refrigerator.
In 1930, Walker designed the "Norwalk" juicing machine, until the early 1990's the Norwalk remained the only machine that produced a living juice. The development of OSCAR now means that there is a quality living juice machine available.
The advantages of OSCAR over other juice extractors are:
- OSCAR will juice not only fruit and vegetables but wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa, parsley and herbs.
- OSCAR will chop seasonings; make nut butters, noodles and desserts.
- OSCAR's low speed stonemill-like technology keeps vital enzymes alive, producing a juice that is nutritionally superior.
- OSCAR is quiet to operate and easy to assemble, disassemble and clean.
- OSACR comes with a 25 year warranty on the motor and gearbox and five years on all parts and labour